Friday, July 31, 2009

Dvar Torah Prshas Va'eschanan

Liyluy nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem.........In perek Heh pesukim yud daled and tes vav it says "V'yom Hashvii shabbos la'Hashem Elokecha lo sa'aseh kol melachah atah uvincha uvitecha v'avdicha v'amascha... L'maan Yanuach avdicha v'amascha kamocha..Vzacharta ki eved hayissa b'eretz mitzrayim vayotziacha Hashem Elokecha misham b'yad chazaka u'bezroah netuya al ken tzivcha Hashem Elokecha la'asos es yom Hashabbos" The Ramban says that the reason that you should allow your eved to rest is so that you will remember that you were an eved and Hashem took you out of mitzrayim. Through doing a maaseh of allowing your avadim to rest,it you will be reminded of another time when you as an eved were given rest,and that is when HKBH took you out of mitzrayim. The Rosh Yeshivah Ztl explains, that it comes out based on this that allowing your eved to rest on Shabbos is a ben adam
 la'makom like eatin matzah or sitting in the sukkah.Which means that you have to be thinking when you allow him to rest that you are doing it to remember what Hashem did for you and not because its nice for the eved. However,it's mashma from the Ramban that there is another factor in the mitzvah of allowing your eved to work,and that is, for the good of your eved  because he writes that since you were an eved and Hashem freed you you have to allow your eved to rest.Meaning, since Hashem was nice to you,you should be nice to your eved. This would mean that you have to allow your eved to rest as a favor to him,but if the reason you allow him to rest is to remember what Hashem did for you then why do you need to have in mind the good of the eved? He answers,that the Ramban is not saying that the mitzvah in the Torah to allow your eved to rest is just going to somehow remind you that
 Hashem took you out of mitzrayim. Rather that through doing chesed to other people,you are margish (you feel)more the greatness of chesed,of being nice to people. By realizing the greatness of chesed,you me'mailah get a new understanding of what Hashem did for you by taking you out of mitzrayim.You come to recognize the true chesed that Hashem did for us.It comes out that you should allow your eved to rest as a favor to him,because through the chesed you do,your appreciation for chesed will be strengthened and your gratitude to Hashem as well. Sometimes people do so much for us,and we never realize it until much later when we do that same favor for somebody else and see what it entails. We should work on ourselves to give to others which will me'mailah cause us to have the correct hakaras hatov for the people that are there for us....... Good Shabbos

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Dvar Torah Parshas Pinchas

 Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel menachem..........
In perek chaf zayin posuk gimmel the bnos Tzlafchad come to Moshe and say "Avinu mes bamidbar v'hu lo hayah bsoch ha'eidah hanoadim al Hashem ba'adas Korach ki b'cheto mes ubanim lo hayu lo" The Ramban explains that the reason why the bnos Tzlafchad didn't just say our father died in the midbar without sons,but rather they added that he wasn't part of Korachs group, was because they thought that Moshe hated Korach and his followers more than any of the other sinners that died in the midbar because they were going directly against him. They were afraid that if Moshe thought that their father was a follower of Korach he would say that Hashem should not do chesed with them and not have compassion.Therefore,they told him that their father was not a follower of Korach.The Rosh Yeshivah Ztl asks,how could the bnos Tzlafchad think
 that someone as great as Moshe Rabeinu would change and pervert the ruling of their case because he hated their father?He answers that the bnos Tzlafchad didn't think that Moshe would do it b'meizid,however,they thought that because of Moshe's hatred roward their father,hed change the ruling without realizing it. Even though Moshe probably had very little sinaah against Korach and his followers,because after all he was great,and he was a tremendous anav,and it had been forty years since the uprising,still the bnos Tzlafchad knew that deep in his heart he may have a nagea against them that will cause him to change the din.Furthermore,there were more people who died for other reasons in the midbar than for the reason of Korach,yet the bnos Tzlafchad knew,that even just having a safek that their father was a follower of Korach could have caused Moshe to accidently pervert the din. If
 Moshe Rabeinu can be mushpa from nageas,kal v'chomer us. Many times we can decide something or act in a certain way purely because of a nagea that we have,even though its the wrong thing. We have to work on ourselves to know and understand ourself and our nageas and to remove them from our heart so that we can be in control of the decisions that we make.......
.Good Shabbos!

Friday, July 3, 2009

dvar torah parshas chukas-balak

Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem........In mishlei perek chaf gimmel posuk yud tes it says "mochiach adam acharoy chein yimtzah mimachalik lashon" if you give someone tochacha he will like you more than someone who butters him up and talks smoothly and gives him compliments.The medrash rabah says that the example of a machlik lashon is bilaam.He spoke about how great klal yisroel was and it got to their head and therefore they were nichshal in shitim.Chazal say that Bilaam's shvachos brought klal yisroel to gaivah and because of the gaivah they were nichshal in terrible avairos including arayos. The Rosh Yeshivah ztl asks,how did the shvachos of Bilaam cause klal yisroel to be nichshal?He praised their madreiga in ruchniyus, tznius and kedusha,shouldn't that have been michazek them in their kedusha,or at least not cause them to be nichshal! He answers that because his praise lead to gaivah it didn't matter that he was talking about kedusha, l'maaseh it causes gaivah and gaivah leads to taivah,because a baal gaivah thinks that everything in the world should belong to him.Therefore even though Bilaam praised them in ruchniyus,the gaivah caused them to have a drastic downfall.We see how powerful and destructive gaivah is,we must work on ourselves to not be misgaeh so that we can be in control of ourselves... Good Shabbos