Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem, Zev Yehuda ben R' Shmuel Mordechai, R' Baruch Moshe Aryeh ben R' Zev Yehuda, Avraham ben R' Yitzchak Zev, R' Dovid Meir ben Harav Shmuel
In Meseches Shabbos the Gemora discusses what we are celebrating when we celebrate the Yom Tov of Chanuka, the Braisa says what we as children were always taught. The Yivanim entered the heichal and were mitame all the oil, when the Chashmanaim defeated the Yivanim, they searched and were only able to find one pach shemen that was still sealed with the seal of the Kohen Gadol. The oil that they found was just enough for one night, but a miracle happened and it lasted eight days. The next year this time was set as a Yom Tov to give shevach v'hoda'ah to hashem Yisborach. Reb Chaim Shmulevitz ztl points out, ( I've seen it in his sefer and also heard it from my Uncle Shmuel last Chanuka) that if we look at the broader picture of what happened in the times of the Chashmonaim this miracle of the oil seems to be rather small and insignificant. Klal Yisroel was the recipient of tremendous persecution, as is written in "Al Hanisim", "Ki'sheamda malchus yavan harasha al amcha Yisroel l' hashgicham Torasecha u'lihaviram meichukei ritzonecha." The Yivanim came together to get rid of Torah and Yidishkeit but Hashem created miracles and "masarta giborim b'yad chalashim vrabim b'yad mi"atim" the strong were placed into the hands of the weak, and the many into the hands of the few. "u'liamcha Yisroel asisa teshuah gedola u"fourkan ki'hayom haze." Hashem saved Klal Yisroel from what would have been a terrible fate. If you would ask me the pach shemen miracle is very great but it seems sort of small going up against the miracle of saving Torah and allowing it to be continually passed down. When Yosef was going down to Mitzrayim the Torah tells us that the Yismaeli merchants were carrying pleasant smelling spices as appose to the bad smelling things they normally carried. Chazal say that we see from here what Hashem does for Tzadikim. Normally the caravans smelled bad but Hashem made sure it smelled good for Yosef. Reb Chaim asks, Yosef was forcefully thrown out of his home he had lived in his whole life, he is being brought down to be sold as a slave, he is being brought down from Yaakov's house to the lowest place in the world, putting it simply, right now his life stinks. Oh but don't worry Yosef your caravan that is delivering you to your new life smells good! What does it matter his whole life was being turned inside out. Reb Chaim explains, Yosef's life was falling apart, he was in a situation where he most probably felt very much alone. His brother's hated him and had sold him, his father thought he was dead, it could seem to him that possibly even Hashem had left him. At a time when Yosef was so down Hashem came and used the change of a good smelling caravan to show Yosef that yes things may be tough, yes life is hard but I didn't forget you, I'm here holding your hand going down to Mitzrayim with you. It wasn't just about the smell, it was about reminding Yosef how much Hashem loved him and that he was still there with him. The same was true by the nes of Chanuka. The miracle of the pach hashemen was Hashem's way of showing Klal Yisroel how much he loves us on a much more personal level. True winning the war was tremendous but that is part of "hechreichiyus' in a persons mind. Almost like that is what is supposed to happen because how could Torah be lost. However, the oil burning was just something that opened their eyes and showed them, Hashem was there with them. That is why the pach shemen was considered the reason why we celebrate Chanuka, and that is why Hashem made the caravan smell good. Remembering that Hashem is with us holding our hands thoughout our lives and in every situation, can help us get through even the hardest times. Good Shabbos