Friday, March 27, 2009

Re: D'var Torah Parshas Vayikra

Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem....In Perek Daled Posuk chaf beis it says ''Asher Nasi Yechetah v'asah achas mikal mitzvos Hashem eloikav asher lo sa'asena b'shgagah v'asheim'' Rashi explains that 'Asher' is from the lashon of 'Ashrei',fortunate is the generation that has a ruler that sets his heart to bring atonement for his sins.The Gur Aryeh explains that what the dor is fortunate for is that their ruler is not embarrassed to admit that he made a mistake,he doesn't say to himself ''im so great and chashuv,i can't admit I was wrong'' Because he is humble enough to admit his wrongdoing, his generation is fortunate,and because of this he will keep his kingdom. The Rosh Yeshivah Ztl says, that you would think that this special 'Ashrei' would only be in a generation such as ours which is further away from Har Sinai, and on a lower level, because the rulers are not as great as back then either,and therefore its a special zechus to have a leader who is enough of an anav to admit his wrongdoing.But back in the times of the Chumash of course the leaders would admit,because they're so great..However,Rashi makes it quiet apparent that even the rulers then who were tremendous yirei shomayim,anavim,chasidim,and talmidei chachamim would be embarrassed to admit that they did something wrong and repent.Even then it was a big zechus to admit your wrongdoing.. If even then it was hard to have the right anava to admit wrongdoing,how much more so now on the level that we are on.We should all be zoche to work on ourselves enough that we too can be on the madreiga to admit when we are wrong,we too can not allow gayvah to hold us back from becoming a dor that is taakah fortunate.... Good Shabbos

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