Friday, March 26, 2010

Shabbos Hagadol

Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem....... The Lekach Tov brings down, that there's a Medrash that says, that the reason why this week is called "Shabbos Hagadol" is because anyone who did an aveira and is mischareit and does Teshuva, Hashem will be michaper on all his aveiros. The author of the "Kometz Hamincha" asks, What does teshuvah and kaparah have to do with Shabbos Hagadol? He explains as follows. The Medrash says that Klal Yisroel in Mitzrayim were serving avodah zarah. Hashem told Moshe, "as long as bnei Yisroel are serving avodah zarah, I will not take them out. Go tell them to remove themselves and do teshuvah" As it says in Parshas Bo "mishchu uki'chu lachem"  withdraw from avodah zarah and take the god of Mitzrayim and bring a karbon Pesach. The day that Klal Yisroel withdrew from avodah zarah was on Shabbos yud Nisan, right before they brought the Karbon,
 right before the left Mitzrayim. This day was a tremendous day for our ancestors, it was kimat a Yom Kippur and that is why its called Shabbos Hagadol, and that's why anyone who is mischareit on this holy Shabbos, Hashem is michaper all their averios. We should be Zoche to utilize this special Shabbos Hagadol and go into the chag of Pesach completely pure. Good Shabbos and Chag Kasher V'sameach....

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