Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem...... In perek lamud gimmel posuk alef the posuk says "Eileh maasei Bnei Yisroel asher yatzu mei'eretz mitzrayim li'tzivosam b'yad Moshe V'Aharon" "These are the journeys of Bnei Yisroel, who went out of Mitzrayim according to their legions by the hand of Moshe and Aharon" The Sapurnu says that Hashem wanted the travels to be mentioned to praise Klal Yisroel for following Hashem blindly in a strange land, "Lechteim acharay bamidbar bi'eretz lo zarua" They followed in a manner which caused them to be rauy/deserving of going into Eretz Yisroel. Its mashma from the Sapurnu that following Hashem the way they did, was enough of a reason alone to bring Klal Yisroel into Eretz Yisroel. Rav Dovid Leibowitz ztl asks, why was it such an unbelievable thing deserving in such reward? True it was great that they followed Hashem blindly, but was
it that great? They had seen tremendous nisim from Hashem, they had good reason to trust in Hkbh. Reb Dovid explains that this is one of the Chasdei Hashem. The etzem act itself of following Hashem "bi'eretz lo zarua" was tremendous, elah mai it wasn't so difficult based on the situation, but Hashem does us a favor and looks at the act seperate of the circumstance. Now the act is viewed as a mindblowing thing. To follow Hashem into a random place and just put total trust in him, of course that would be an act deserving of tremendous schar. We see from here that we can never be sure how much schar we are receiving for things that we may think are trivial. However, on another level we see the love that Hashem has for us, and how far he goes to assist us in getting as much schar as we possibly can. Good Shabbos
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