Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem.... In perek tes zayin posuk chaf it says, Tzedek tzedek tirdof lima'an tichyeh viyarashta es ha'aretz asher Hashem Elokecha nosein lach" "You shall pursue righteousness so that you will live and take possession of the land that Hashem your God gives you." Rashi explains that the Torah is telling us to go to a high quality court. The Sifri adds that people should go to the batei dinim of R' Yochanan ben Zakai and Rabbi Eliezer. Its mashma from the Sifri, that even if the dayanim of your town are big talmidei chachamim, it is still a mitzvah and important for the ballei dinim to travel to the beis din of the gedolei hador. The Gur Aryeh explains that the reason for this is because there are times when the judges can make a mistake and not recognize that they did, and it can come out the the wrong party will end up winning and stealing money from the other party.
The Rosh Yeshivah ztl explained that we can learn a tremendous chidush from this. The Torah requires people to be careful and suspect that they and even the beis din of their town will make a mistake, and therefore they must go to the higher beis din. However, at the same time we see later on in the parsha that even if the judges in our time are not like the judges before, we must listen to them. Furthermore, even if the Chachamim tell you something that you believe is wrong " yamin shehu simol" you should still listen. We see from here how far one must go to make sure to end up doing the right. He must even suspect that the judges in his town will make a mistake, but at the same time how important it is to have emunas chachamim even if the chachamim in your day are not as capable as the ones from yesteryear.Good Shabbos
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