Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem, R' Baruch Moshe Aryeh ben Harav Zev Yehuda, Zev Yehuda ben R' Shmuel Mordechai, Avraham ben R' Yitzchok Zev, R' Dovid Meir ben R' Shmuel...
In perek tes posuk chaf gimmel the posuk says "Vayavo Moshe v'Ahron el ohel moed vayeitzu vayivarchu es ha'am vayeira kivod Hashem el kal ha'am" "Moshe and Ahron came to the Ohel Moed and they went out and blessed the nation, and the glory of Hashem appeared to the entire nation.
One of Rashi's pshatim on why Moshe and Ahron went into the Ohel Moed to daven at this point was because Ahron brought all the karbanos the Moshe told him to bring and did all the different things he was commanded, and the shechina did not appear. Ahron was in pain and said "I know why the Shechina didn't appear, it is because Hashem is upset with me and it is because of me that He did not come. Following this he turned to Moshe and said " Moshe my brother you did this to me! You told me to do all that I've done and now I've been embarrassed becuase the shechina didn't appear. Moshe immediately went with Ahron in to the Ohel Moed and they davened to Hashem and the Shechina appeared to all of Klal Yisroel.
The Rosh Yeshiva explains that it seems from what Rashi is saying that had Ahron never had a taayna on Moshe, Moshe would not have gone with him into the Ohel Moed to daven and ask for Hashems's mercy. Even though Moshe was a tremendous baal chessed and probably did not want his brother to be in pain he would not have taken the time to go into the Ohel Moed to help ease Ahron's pain especially because he had so many important and holy things to take care of. Only after Ahron turned to him with blame did he immediately try to remove the embarrassment that he caused Ahron.
However, if we delve into the matter there seems to be something that is hard to understand. What was Ahron's taayna on Moshe? Moshe was giving over the commandment that Hashem had told him to give over. Its pashut that Ahron didn't think Moshe was making it up. Somehow his frustration and embarrassment made him have a taayna on Moshe but it was wrongly placed. The Rosh Yeshiva explains that it must be that even though Moshe was an ones and Ahron's pain truly was not his fault, however sof kal sof he casued the embarrassment and therefore he was michuyav to fix the problem. That is why he had to immediately drop everything and daven with Ahron.
We can see from here the tremendous achrayus we are taking upon ourselves when we cause pain on other people. Moshe was held accountable for the pain he caused accidentally to his brother. We see how far we should go to be careful not to pain people close to us and learn to be aware when we do casue pain so that we can help rectify the situation...
Good Shabbos