Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem, R' Boruch Moshe Aryeh ben R' Zev Yehuda, Zev Yehuda ben R' Shmuel Mordechai, Avraham ben R' Yitzchak Zev, R Dovid Meer ben Harav Shmuel....
In perek beis posuk yud gimmel the posuk says "V'chal karban minchascha bamelach timlach v'lo tashbis melach bris Elokecha mei'al minchasecha al kal karbancha takriv melach." "You shall salt all your mincha offerings with salt, you may not discontinue the salt of your God's covenant from upon your mincha; on all your karbanos you shall bring salt."
The Daas Zikeinim says that the reason why salt is brought with a karban is because it is something that lasts forever and it will teach the one bringing the karban that karbanos are forever. They are a means of getting a kapara for sins. Karbanos are for man and not for Hashem's needs because Hashem does not eat or drink.
The Daas Zikeinim continues that when a man sins and brings the salted Karban and it atones for his sin, he will understand that he is clean and it will help him stay away from dirtying himself with more aveiros. Normally when someone does an averia for the first time it may be difficult and uncomfortable but after time it becomes that its "na'ases lo kiheter" as if it was allowed, but bringing the karban cleans the slate.
The Daas Zikeinim brings down a mashal that a man wearing dirty clothing does not care when he gets a some more dirt on his clothing, however if he was dressed all fancy and was all clean he would be super careful not to get dirty.
My Rebbe Rabbi Kaufman explained, that if someone were to ask a fellow bringing a karban why he was bringing it, the response would most likely be as a kapara, and not because Hashem likes lamb. Yet the addition of the everlasting mineral,salt, somehow raises the level of understanding that Karbanos are around forever and are here to help us receive a kapara. However the chiddush is a lot greater. The Daas Zikeinim continued that bringing the karban with the salt will be the difference maker between doing the aveira again or holding back. If you understand that the karban was a kapara then you will feel that your "beged is clean" and you will be careful to try to keep it that way.
The power of a negative self image is tremendous not having the salt would be able to cause someone to feel " what's the point I'm already a bum why bother refraining from this aveira.
However the Daas Zikeinim ends off that the reason why Hashem gave so many Mitzvos was because Hashem wanted to give Klal Yisroel tons of zechusim. Hashem gave us all the mitzvos "gufa" to help us understand how full of zechusim we are. We are all walking around with clean bigadim.
The perception that we have of ourselves plays a tremendous role in the people we will be. Negative self image can cause unimaginable destruction. If we understand our gadlus and the fact that we are filled with so many zechusim from all the great things we do, we will be able to realize that our begadim are truly clean and we will be able to grow to even greater heights.....
Good Shabbos.
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