Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem, Zekeini Moiri Baruch Moshe Aryeh ben Harav Zev Yehuda, My cousin Zev Yehuda ben Rav Shmuel Mordechai, Avraham ben R' Yitzchok Zev, R' Dovid Meir ben R' Shmuel.
In perek beis posuk beis the Hashem tells Moshe "Ish al diglo b'osos l'veis avosam yachanu Bnei Yisroel mineged saviv l'ohel Moed yachanu" "Bnei Yisroel should encamp, each man at his division according to the signs of their fathers' house at a distance surrounding the Ohel Moed they shall encamp."
Rashi's davar acher for what "b'osos l'veis avosam" means is as follows. When Yaakov was lying on his deathbed he commanded his sons how they should carry his body out of Mitzrayim. Yehuda Yissachar and Zevulan on the east, and Reuven Shimon and Gad on the south.
The Medrash Tanchuma says like Rashi that the Torah really only needed to say "ish al diglo yachanu" and not "osos". The Torah said "osos" because when Yaakov was lying on his deathbed he commanded Yehuda, Yissachar and zevulan on the east, Reuven, Shimon, and Gad on the south, Dan, Asher and Naftali on the north, and Binyomin, Ephraim and Menashe on the west.
The Medrash continues that when Klal Yisroel was leaving Mitzrayim Hashem told Moshe to make divisions for encampments. Moshe was afraid that the Shvatim would not like where he placed them and they would argue with him. Hashem calmed him down by saying "Moshe what are you worried about? They already know their place, because Yaakov gave it to them. The way they surrounded Yaakov's bed is how they will surround the Mishkan."
The Rosh Yeshiva ztl explained that we can see how strong negios are from Moshe's fear. He was the person who spoke straight to Hashem, he was the man who did all the nisim, yet if any given shevet had reason to want to camp somewhere else around the Mishkan, he believed they would argue with him to change it.
Not only that, Moshe knew the shvatim knew where Yaakov had set them up, he just felt that their negias would even override Yaakov's command. However, Klal Yisroel did not argue with the encampments that Yaakov made because at the time that those positions were accepted, there was no Mishkan and no reason to have negias, once it was set up and negias were created only after that, they did not feel the desire to fight it.
We see from here a few tremendous yesodos. Firstly negias are not some small things that mean nothing, they can be the difference between doing the right and the wrong thing in so many situations. We also can learn that whenever it is possible we should try to look at a situation and figure it out before we are overcome with negia so that we can have an easier time finding the truth. Good Shabbos
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