Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem, Zekeini Moiri R' Boruch Moshe Aryeh ben Harav Zev Yehuda, My cousin Zev Yehuda ben Rav Shmuel Mordechai, Avraham ben R' Yitzchok Zev, R' Dovid Meir ben R' Shmuel...
In perek yud tes posuk beis the posuk says "Zos chukas Ha'Torah asher tziva Hashem leimor dabeir el Bnei Yisroel v'yikchu eilecha Fara aduma temima asher ein bah mum asher lo ala aleha ol" "This is the statute of the Torah which Hashem has commanded saying. Speak to Bnei Yisroel and they shall take to you a perfectly red cow which has no blemish and never had a yoke upon it".
The Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh ponders the question of why the Torah refers to this chok of para aduma, as "chukas hatorah". Wouldn't it seem more appropriate to call it "chukas hatuma" or "chukas hatahara"? After all that was what the para aduma did, render the impure, pure. The Ohr Chaim explains that the Torah was telling us something in the words "Chukas Ha'Torah". The Torah was teaching us b'derech remez that if one is m'kayeim this mitzvah even though there is seemingly no reasoning behind it, the Torah considers it as if you are m'kayeim kal Ha'Torah kula. The reason for this he explains is because one who keeps the mitzvos that have no reasons for them is being mei'I'd on them self that they have emunah and have accepted to fulfill all that Hashem Yisborach requests from Klal Yisroel.
Rav Chaim Shmulevitz ztl expounds on what the Ohr Chaim wrote and says as follows. As long as the mitzvos that one is fulfilling make sense to them it is not clear that they are prepared to fulfill and accepting of what Hashem commanded because it's what Hashem commanded. After all it makes sense, and we tend to act in a manner that makes sense to us. However, we are supposed to fulfill what Hashem commanded because Hashem commanded it as the Rambam explains. We must be me'kayeim the mitzvos because Moshe commanded us from the Ribono Shel Olam, and the only by accepting and fulfilling mitzvos that don't make sense to us do we actually prove that we are totally ready to be me'kayeim the mitzvos on the highest level exactly how Hakadosh Baruch Hu desires.
Good Shabbos
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