Friday, September 2, 2011

Parshas Shoftim

Liyluy Nishmas elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem, Zekaini Moiri R' Baruch Moshe Aryeh ben Harav zev Yehuda, my cousin Zev Yehuda ben Rav shmuel Mordechai, Avraham ben R' Yitzchak Zav, R' Dovid Meir ben Rav Shmuel.

 In perek yud zayin posuk yud tes the posuk is discussing the Sefer Torah that a king must keep with him, and the posuk says "V'haysa imo v'kara bo kal yimei chayav lima'an yilmad l'yira es Hashem Elokecha lishmor es kal divrei Ha'Torah hazos v"es hachukimha"eileh ola"asosam. "It is to accompany him and he is to read it all the days of his life in order that he learn to fear hashem his God , to guard every word of his Torah."

The Talile Oros brings down from Rav Chaim Vital that the posuk does not say "kal Yamav" "all his days" rather it says "kal Yimei chayav" "all the days of his life".
 The Reason for this Rav Chaim explains, is that the Torah is teaching us a very valuable lesson,. A person who is davak to Torah's, who attaches himself to Torah, his days on this earth are days of "life". Rishaim no matter how many years they walk the earth are considered dead. The Torah is called "Eitz Chaim" the tree of life. That is what provides life for man and attaching oneself to Torah is the only true living. Similarly, that is why a Rebbe must accompany a Talmud and vice versa to the arei miklat (as was previously discussed)

In this world it's very easy to forget what life really is. My grandfather Rav Abba Zalka Gewirtz was once speaking in Telshe Yeshiva and was discussing how he hears many times people talking about the leaving of Yeshiva to go into the "real world" of business" His response to that was as follows, "Like Heck It's The Real World"!! The real world is where "real life" comes from, from Torah not from all the luxuries in the world outside. Of course that does not mean one must stay in Yeshiva forever, families must be provided for, but the message should be clear that a world without Torah, a life without Torah, is neither a world or a life. The Torah must be taken with us and learnt by us regardless of the four walls around us because that is the only way to be truly alive.
   Good Shabbos  

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