Friday, May 1, 2009

Dvar Torah Parshas Acharei Mos/Kedoshim

 Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem.......In perek tes zayin posuk alef it says ''Vayidaber Hashem el Moshe acharei mos shnei bnei Aharon'' This is read on Yom Kippur and it is said  bsheim the Zohar and the Arizal that anyone who is pained by the death of the sons of Aharon and sheds tears over them on Yom Kippur, are zoiche to certain segulahs. Reb Chaim Shmulevitz ztl asks,how is it possible to be pained and cry over something that happened so many years ago? In meseches Chullin ayin alef amud alef the gemoroh says ''Chaval al Ben Azzai shlo shimush es Rabbi Yishmael, rashi says that the loss Ben Azzai endured was not just a loss to him,but a loss to the whole world. When someone has something that he could have gained and does not,its a loss to the whole world not just to him because an adam gadol is the channel of Hashpa'ah from shomayim and even the people as great as him draw some of their greatness from him, and when an oppurtunity is lost the channel is closed up and the dor can not gain what they would have. It is lost forever. Understanding this, R' Chaim explains, will help us understand why it should be easy for us to be mitztaer over the loss of Nadav and Avihu.Had they not died when they did they would have added so much more to the world. With their death the channel of Hashpa'ah from shomayim was closed and lost to the world forever. If you understand the loss that we have endured,the loss that can never be replaced,it should be easy to cry over the misas bnei Aharon.... Good Shabbos

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