Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem....
.In perek alef posuk yud ches it says ''V'es Kol ha'eidah hikhilu b'echad lachodesh hasheini vayisyaldu al mishpichosam l'beis avosam b'mispar sheimos miben esrim shanah vamalah l'gulgilosam'' The Ramban says that each person would bring their shekel before Moshe and the Nesiim and would say, their name,their parents,their family,and their shevet. On posuk mem heh the Ramban says that he saw in the Medrash Rabah speaking on the words ''B'mispar sheimos l'gulgilosam'' That Hashem told them to count klal yisroel with kovod and gedulah,each one seperately and not just ask every patriarch how many people there were in his family. The Rosh Yeshivah ztl asks, Moshe Rabeinu was the gadol Hador who probably was busy all day learning and being marbitz Torah and doing many other tzrichim for klal yisroel what wouldve been the problem with
just asking each family how many people there were in them?It would have been so much simpler. He explains,that being mechabed klal Yisroel at this time then any learning or tzrichim that Moshe Rabeinu wouldve been doing. Even with all his greatness,this was more important.He explains further,that the reason why it was more important lchoira was because that the hashpaah that this would have on klal yisroel would have more of an effect than if klal yisroel would have seen Moshe learning. By counting each person seperately it made each person understand just how important he is,it made him realize that yes, he can make a difference! By understanding our own selfworth we can and iyh will go very very far!
Good Shabbos!
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