Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem......
In perek tes zayin posuk yud zayin Moshe tells Korach and his followers ''Utnu bahain aish vsimu aleihen ketores lifnai Hashem machar v'hayah ha'ish asher yivchar Hashem huh hakadosh" Rashi says that Moshe was telling them that in the non jewish world there are many religious observances and many priests that all join together in one temple, but we klal yisroel have only one G-d, one ark,one Torah,one altar and one kohein gadol, and all you two dundred and fifty men want to be the kohen gadol. The Rosh Yeshivah ztl asks, why did Moshe tell them ''We have only one G-d,one ark,and one torah, they were only arguing with Moshe regarding the kehuna gedola, however they too agreed that there is only one Hashem and one Torah? He answers that if these two hundred and fifty people truly believed one hundred percent,Hashem echod vetoroso
achas,they would have pushed aside their desires and daas and would have been mekabel Aharon as the kohen gadol,because it was the will of Hashem.Their main aveira was their lack of emunah in Hashem and his Torah. Even though they were there by Har Sinai and heard "Anochi Hashem Elokecha'' and ''Lo Yehiyeh l'cha" mamash from HKBH's mouth,still they weren't margish one hundred percent b'emunah shleima Hashem echod v'toraso achas.Although they heard Hashem and knew that he was one,still they didn't believe a hundred percent,because the heart and mind are two very different things. You can know something but still in the depths of your heart,not fully believe it.. We see how important it is to strengthen our emunah in HKBH so that we believe in both our heads and hearts that Hashem is the one and his Torah is one...
Good Shabbos
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