Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem......
.In perek yud gimmel posuk gimmel it says ''Vayishlach osam Moshe mimidbar pa'aran al pi Hashem kulam anashim rashei bnei yisroel heima'' rashi says that any time the torah uses the word ''anashim'' it's a loshan of chashivus, and at this time they were all kasher. Furthermore the Ramban says that the order of the meraglim was based on their greatness and Kaleiv was third and Yehoshua was fifth. We are dealing with tremendous gedolim,the greatest people in the greatest dor, the dor dai'ah, the dor that was mekabel the Torah. Yet in so short a time they stooped down to such a low level to be koifer b'ikur. As it says in posuk lamed alef ''lo nuchal la'alos el ha'am ki chuzuk hu mimenu'' and Rashi in Sota says that they were sayin ''chuzuk hu mimenu'' klapei (against) HKBH. That Hkbh wud not be able to defeat them. Reb Chaim
Shmulevitz ztl asks, In just forty days these great people stooped down to such a low level,how was it possible for them to fall so far so fast? He explains, that the mesilos yesharim when discussing kavod explains how many great people are lost from the world because of kavod. And he says that is the kavod that the chazal talk about that caused the meraglim to give the negative report they did. They were afraid that once they entered eretz yisroel,their high status in klal yisroel would be removed because the need for nesiim would be terminated,and other people would take their place. We see from chazal that that the ikar reason for the miraglim doing wat they did was because of ridifas hakavod. Although they were tremendous gedolim,kavod is a sam hamaves,a poison, and anyone who chases it no matter how great,can be destroyed by it. We see the negaitve affect of chasing after kavod,
if it was able to affect such great people, kal vachomer how much more so we can be affected if we don't work on ourselves to run from kavod instead of running towards it.
Shmulevitz ztl asks, In just forty days these great people stooped down to such a low level,how was it possible for them to fall so far so fast? He explains, that the mesilos yesharim when discussing kavod explains how many great people are lost from the world because of kavod. And he says that is the kavod that the chazal talk about that caused the meraglim to give the negative report they did. They were afraid that once they entered eretz yisroel,their high status in klal yisroel would be removed because the need for nesiim would be terminated,and other people would take their place. We see from chazal that that the ikar reason for the miraglim doing wat they did was because of ridifas hakavod. Although they were tremendous gedolim,kavod is a sam hamaves,a poison, and anyone who chases it no matter how great,can be destroyed by it. We see the negaitve affect of chasing after kavod,
if it was able to affect such great people, kal vachomer how much more so we can be affected if we don't work on ourselves to run from kavod instead of running towards it.
Good Shabbos
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