Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem.....In perek Chaf Alef Posuk Yud Alef says "V'raisa Bashivyah aishes yifas toar v'chashakta bah v'lakachta lecha l'isha" Rashi says that the words "vlakachta lecha l'isha" are telling us that marrying this captive is not the words of the Torah rather it is allowed because if Hkbh would have not made it muttar,the yetzer Harah would cause people to marry her anyway.However,the Torah teaches us that if you do marry her you will end up hating her,and if you have a son he will end up being a ben sorer umoreh.The Rosh Yeshivah Ztl explains that we see from chazal that the whole reason why Hashem made it muttar to marry the yifas toar,is because some people would not be able to control themselves and would marry her anyway.Even though not everyone would end up sucumbing to their taivah,still just for the people that wouldn't be able to
control themselves,and even though the outcome will be disastrous, still Hashem made it muttar.As we see in kidushin that its better to eat properly shected meat that can have diseases rather than an animal that is healthy but was not properly shected such as a nevailah.Harav Issac Sheer Ztl says,that we see from here a remarkable thing.Many times we look at certain things in the Torah,and think that it is impossible for us to do.There are so many nisyonos, so many things that whet our taivos that we think we can never stay away from.This is not the case,anything that is in the Torah is possible because if it were not,even for a select few,Hashem would have permitted it like yifas toar.This is a tremendous lesson for all of us,especially now in Elul.We all want to grow and be better people but we look at some mitzvos and think that they are impossible,dont let your yetzer harah fool
you.We all have the koach to be as great as we truly desire.. Good Shabbos
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