Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem.......In perek Chaf vav pasuk beis it speaks about the bikurim and it says "vlakachta mei'reishis kal pri ha'adama asher tavi meiartzicha asher Hashem Elokecha nosein lach v'samta batne....."In mesechtas bava kama daf tazdik beis amud aluf the gemorah shows that poverty follows after the poor by bringing down what happens by bikurim.The rich people would bring their vast amounts of fruits in gold and silver baskets,and the kohen would take out the fruits and give the baskets back to the owner.However,the poor people would bring a small amount of not as nice fruit in wicker baskets and the kohen would not give them back their baskets.Rav Ahron Bakst Ztl says that the reason why the kohen did not return the basket to the aniim is because we are being careful with his kavod.The rich people have lots of beautiful fruits and therefore when
the kohen takes them out it doest bother them.The poor person has very little and not nice fruits,if the kohen would take out the fruits in front of the ani and give them back the basket,the ani would be embarassed by his bikurim. Rav Yaakov Aryeh Neiman Ztl author of the Darchei Mussar,suggests a different answer.The reason why the kohen gives the rich guy back his basket is because when he comes with his fruits in this gold basket,he's misgaeh and feels like he is so great.Therefore we are saying to him "keep your gaivah,we don't need your money.Hashem despises gaivah. However the ani,when he comes with his wicker basket,he comes with anavah without any feelings of haughtiness,and therefore Hashem takes the basket too because the basket is also chaviv to Hashem and part of the ani's gift to HKBH.This is the main inyun to being mikabel oil malchus shamayim during elul,for Rosh
Hashana.We need to come to Hashem "b'shafal ruach"and be mikabel oil malchus shamayim fully.With gaivah in our hearts it is impossible to fully be mikabel,as we see from the Ramban.May we all be zoiche to have all of our tefillos accepted by HKBH just like the ani and his wicker basket... Good Shabbos
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