Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem (today is the first Yahrtzeit of Elchonon)....
In perek yud dalid posuk chaf alef it says "Va'yeit Moshe es yado al hayam vayoled Hashem es Hayam b'ruach kadim azah kal halayla, vayasem es hayam lecharavah vayibaku hamayim" Moshe stretched out his hand over the sea, and Hashem made a wind come and split it. In Tehillim it says "hayam ra'ah va'yanas" The yam saw the aron of Yosef and split. Hashem told the sea "yanus mipnei ha'nas" as it says by the story of eishes Potiphar, "vayanas Hachutzah" The Darchei Mussar, Rav Yaakov Aryeh Neiman Ztl asks, If Hashem told the sea to split, why would the sea need to see the aron of Yosef to make it split? He answers that Hashem did not tell the Yam to split, rather he told Moshe to stretch his hand over it and split it. Moshe was the one commanding the yam to split, which he had the koach to
because Hashem gave tzadikkim the power to be mitzaveh parts of the briah to listen to them. However, the yam did not feel that it had to listen to Moshe because it too did the ratzon of Hashem so what made Moshe better than it? However, when it saw the aron of Yosef it understood the difference between itself and Moshe Rabbeinu, between man and angel. True both of them are doing the ratzon Hashem but its no kuntz for the Malach. Every step that we take is filled with tremendous nisyonos that can hold us back and destroy us. Yes the yam listened to all Hashem commanded, but after seeing the aron of Yosef it understood, man who fights on and continues doing the ratzon Hashem even through tough times, even through a maaseh eishes Potiphar,is far greater than it, and therefore it knew that it should listen to Moshe Rabbeinu..
Good Shabbos.
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