Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem..... In perek yud beis, posuk chaf ches, regarding the karbon pesach it says, "Vayeilchu vaya'asu Bnei Yisroel ka'asher tziva Hashem es Moshe V'Aharon ken asu. "Rashi says that the Torah is coming to give praise to Klal Yisroel that they did not leave out a single thing that Moshe and Aharon told them to do. The Rosh Yeshivah ztl asks, it's mashma from Rashi that the great thing that Klal Yisroel did was that they did exactly as they were told, what happened to the fact that they were risking their lives to take the god of their masters from right under their noses? Wouldn't you think that that is a much greater feat, and should be a greater reason for praise? The Rosh Yeshivah explains that we see that what Klal Yisroel did must have been a tremendous accomplishment. The teva of a person is not to do things exactly as they are told, not to do
it, with every single prat. Klal Yisroel did not leave one single thing out, they pushed themselves to go against their natural genetic makeup, and that is an unbelievable accomplishment. Its brought down in seforim the tremendous difference in schar between doing mitzvos, and doing mitzvos b'shleimus. By focusing a little more as we do mitzvos, we can fight our teva and bring our mitzvos to a level of shleimus.. Good Shabbos
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