Friday, May 14, 2010
Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem..... In perek alef posuk nun dalid it says, "Va'yaasu Bnei Yisroel kichol asher tziva Hashem es Moshe kein asu." The Medrash Rabah says that the Torah is telling us, that even in regard to the machanos they listened and did not camp near the mishkan, as it says "Vchanu Bnei Yisroel ish el machaneihu....... Vi'haliviim yachanu saviv li'mishkan." Klal Yisroel was not allowed to camp around the Mishkan because Hashem would get angry with them because they were not worthy, not "ra'uy". The Leviim however, would guard the Mishkan and and act in the proper way and therefore were the chosen shevet to be encamped around the mishkan. This was a difficult thing for Klal Yisroel to accept but "Vayaasu es kol asher tzivah Hashem es Moshe" and they distanced themselves from the Mishkan and allowed the Leviim to move in. The Eitz Yosef says on, that Klal Yisroel did this b'leiv shalom and that's why the posuk says "K'chol asher tzivah Hashem es Moshe kein asu." Its mashma from the posuk that at first Klal Yisroel encamped around the Mishkan and probably did so because they wanted to be as close to Hashem and be zoche to as much growth in ruchniyus as they could possibly get. However, Hashem let them know that they were undeserving of being so close and would be killed if they did not move. Bnei Yisroel listened to Hashem and vacated the area bleiv shalom, and that was the tremendous praise that was given to them by the Torah, that they did it bleiv shaleim. The Rosh Yeshiva ztl asks, what was the great praise of retreating "bleiv shaleim"? They should have been broken hearted,"bleiv Shavur". Here they were all excited to get as close as possible to Hashem in order to strive to the highest levels of ruchniyus they could possibly achieve, and were just told that they just didn't make the cut, they weren't good enough. Shouldn't the thought of not making it due to lack of greatness and even due to aveiros cause them extreme distress? The Rosh Yeshivah explains, that yes they were down for not being able to make it because of their avieros, but on a seperate note by moving away from the Mishkan they were fulfilling the Tzivuy of Hashem and that gave them tremendous simcha and allowed them to move "bleiv shaleim". There are times when we may find ourselves in similar situations, many times where the easiest thing to do is just be broken hearted. We do something wrong and it hinders us from continuing our growth as an eved Hashem. Klal Yirsoel was down, they couldn't be as close as they wanted because of things they had done wrong, but they didn't break, they regrouped and went straight into continuing serving Hashem to the best of their ability, which in this case was to complete the move happily. We get knocked down and we let ourselves just stay down. We have to be able to be unhappy with ourselves for falling, but we have to keep our heart intact, pick ourselves up, and continue down the path that will bring us closer and closer to Hashem. . .Good Shabbos
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