Friday, May 21, 2010

Parshas Nasso

Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem..... In perek vav posuk beis it says "Daber el Bnei Yisroel v'amarta aleihem ish oh isha ki yafli lindor neder nazir l'hazir La'Hashem". Rashi explains the juxtaposition of Sotah and Nazir, that anyone who sees a Sotah should take upon themselves a Nazirus neder against wine, which leads to promiscuity. Even though before someone saw a "Sotah B'kilkula" they already knew this fact, seeing it strengthens it and therefore it would be a good time to guard themselves. In perek gimmel posuk lamud vav in Mishlei it says "Ki To'avas Hashem Naloz V'es Yisharim Sodo" The Yalkut Shimoni speaks on this posuk and says "Ki to'avas Hashem naluz" is talking about someone who is involved in arayos. "V'es Yisharim sodo" is talking about someone who saw arayos and therefore distanced himself from wine. "sodo" means that Hashem will teach him and help
 him to be able to stay away from arayos. The Rosh Yeshivah ztl asks, its mashma from this medrash, that keeping yourself from wine will grant you the rights for Hashem to give you the "sod" on how to save yourself from arayos. However, even without the wine, if Hashem wouldn't grant you this gift, ultimately you would fail because the tayva is too great. If that's the case, why would anyones reaction to seeing a Sotah be to stay away from wine? They know it doesn't do much anyway, they know their chances of being nichshal are still great. The Rosh Yeshivah explains, that this is the tevah of a person. True -- distancing oneself from wine is not a major guard against arayos, but when someone is in a makom sakana, they do everything they possibly can to guard themselves even if in retrospect that block may seem minute and almost pointless. When someone sees a Sotah they distance themselves
 from wine  because on a very small level it will lower the chances of them being nichshal. When Hashem sees that they are making an effort, he grants them "sodo" the daas and strength they need to complete their task. This is an important lesson for all of us. Many times when we are in a makom sakana of any sort, we want to make gidarim but gidarim won't solve the problem so we don't even do that. As small as the gedarim may be, they show Hashem what we want, they show him that we are making an effort and he will lift us up the rest of the way and help us with our challenge. I believe the same is true in stam ruchniyus and growth. We want to grow and be better, we want to learn, but everything seems so out of reach. If we make the effort and show Hashem what it is we really want, he will hopefully grant us the gift of "sodo" to be able to grow in Torah and Ruchniyus... Good Shabbos

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