Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem...... In perek tes zayin posuk lamud beis it says, "Va'tiftach ha'aretz es piha vativla osam v'es bateihem v'eis kal ha'adam asher l'Korach v'eis kal harichush." "The earth opened its mouth and swallowed them and their houses, and all the people who were with Korach, and all the posessions," The Gemorah in Sanhedrin perek kuf yud amud alef says, "osher shamur l'ba'alav l'raaso." "Wealth caused its owner to go bad." Reish Lakish says that this is referring to the wealth of Korach. The Gemorah goes on to say that Yosef had hidden three treasures in Mitzrayim. One Korach got; one went to Antoninus; and one will be for the Tzadikim L'asid lavo. The Maharshas says that the way that korachs money caused his downfall was that since he was so rich he believed he deserved to be of a greater stature that Moshe and Aharon. The Rosh Yeshivah ztl asks a seemingly obvious question. Korach was quite a smart person. He obviously knew that Moshe and Aharons positions were not attained through greatness in worldly matters, rather they were chosen because of their loftiness in ruchniyus So what exactly happened here? How did his great financial backing cause him to make such a grave mistake, and cause so much destruction? The Rosh Yeshivah explains that Korach responded in the way that is normal for most people to respond. He was extremely rich and therefore was a highly respected individual, everyone treated him with tremedous dignity, as if he was royalty. This tremendous kavod got to him and made him begin believing that he was great in ruchniyus too. After all, look at how much respect he received. Based on this mistake he believed that Moshe and Aharon were not as great as him and therefore he should have been chosen as the leader of Klal Yisroel. It's unbelieveable how losing our perception of where we are holding can cause so much destruction. We can't lose sight of where we are holding, and of course that being great in our world is not based on how much we are worth in dollar value, but how much we have achieved in ruchniyus and growth in avodas Hashem... Good Shabbos
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