Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem.... In perek yud dalid posuk tes, Kaleiv and Yehoshuah tell Klal Yisroel, "Ach ba'Hashem al timrodu v'atem al tirau es am ha'aretz ki lachmeinu heim..." - "But do not rebel against Hashem, and do not fear the people of the land for they are our bread..." The Ramban says that Yehoshuah and Kaleiv gave two reasons why Klal Yisroel should not fear the inhabitants of Eretz Yisroel. Reason number one was that they had to believe in the capabilities of Hashem. Just as Hashem did all the miracles in Mitzrayim, so too would he conquer the natives to fulfill his promise. The second reason was that even biteva Klal Yisroel had the means to conquer them, they had the capabilities to "eat them like bread". The Rosh Yeshivah ztl asks that the second reason should not have been given; it was superfluous. Regardless of what should happen under
normal circumstances, the entire fate of Klal Yisroel was based on whether or not Hashem wanted them to be victorious. Kaleiv and Yehoshuah knew this fact. Their actual strength meant zero. It would not determine what the outcome would be. So why would they mention it? The Rosh yeshivah explains that what Yehoshuah and Kaleiv were doing was being "maktin the nisayon." - "making the challenge smaller." To convince Klal Yisroel that Hashem will help them win when the enemy is weaker than them would be much simpler than convincing them that Hashem would be able to make them beat a tremendous super power. By cutting down the nisayon in the eyes of Klal Yisroel, they made it that much easier for Klal Yisroel to have bitachon that Hashem is the only one who fights our wars, not us. This yesod is true in all types of nisyonos. People are faced with tremendous nisyonos that seem unbeatable. Sometimes they could even be very close to that, but there's a trick on how to beat it. We can play mind games with ourselves and talk into ourselves that its not so big, its not so hard, and guess what, it'll be easier to beat. As long as we believe that something is impossible, it is. It's only once we believe that we have the power to achieve, that we will be able to do to just that. We will achieve!.... Good Shabbos
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