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From: <3478602930@vzwpix.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 12:30 AM
To: Yonah Gewirtz <yonah927@gmail.com>
Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem, Zev Yehuda ben R' Shmuel Mordechai, R' Baruch Moshe Aryeh ben R' Zev Yehuda, Avraham ben R' Yitzchok Zev, R' Dovid Meer ben Harav Shmuel
In perek mem hei posuk gimmel it says, "Vayomer Yosef el echav ani Yosef ha'od avi chai, vlo yachlu echav la'anos oso ki nivhalu mipanav." " And Yosef said to his brothers, I am Yosef is my father still alive, but his brothers could not answer him because they were left disconcerted before him." Rashi explains that they were left disconcerted because of the shame. Chazal say in the name of both Aba Kohen Bardala and Rav Shimon ben Alazar, "Oy lanu miyom hatochacha, Oy lanu miyom hadin" Woe is to us when we will have to face Hashem after one hundred and twenty years. Yosef was the second to youngest of the shvatim and when he rebuked them they were left speechless, how much more so when Hashem rebukes each and every person.
Reb Chaim Shmulevitz ztl asks, where is the rebuke in Yosef's words? All he said was "I am Yosef is my father still alive" and immediately after it says the brothers were unable to respond.
Reb Chaim explains that from here we see what the "mahus" of tochacha is, its not showering the recipient with fiery words and giving it to them, as many think. Rather it is pointing out the persons mistake, and as soon as they recognize and accept that they made a mistake that is kabala of the tochacha. When Yosef said to his brothers "I am Yosef" what that meant to them was " I'm that little brother that you shipped down to Mitzrayim, I'm the Viceroy of Egypt. You sold me as a slave to distance me from those foolish dreams of mine but in truth you set the stage for me. See and understand that my words were not foolishness but rather Nevua." The brothers heard this and were unable to respond because of the shame. From here Rav Shimon ben Elazar (He's the one Reb Chaim brings down) says "Oy lanu miyom hadin Oy lanu miyom hatochacha" If the young brother of the shvatim caused them such
shame by opening their eyes, al achas kama v'kama when Hashem opens our eyes.
Although this is a frightening thought it is something that should sometimes be pulled out of the drawer to remind us that one day we will have to give a din v"cheshban, and hopefully it'll give us chizuk to come closer to Hashem. Good Shabbos
From: <3478602930@vzwpix.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 12:30 AM
To: Yonah Gewirtz <yonah927@gmail.com>
Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem, Zev Yehuda ben R' Shmuel Mordechai, R' Baruch Moshe Aryeh ben R' Zev Yehuda, Avraham ben R' Yitzchok Zev, R' Dovid Meer ben Harav Shmuel
In perek mem hei posuk gimmel it says, "Vayomer Yosef el echav ani Yosef ha'od avi chai, vlo yachlu echav la'anos oso ki nivhalu mipanav." " And Yosef said to his brothers, I am Yosef is my father still alive, but his brothers could not answer him because they were left disconcerted before him." Rashi explains that they were left disconcerted because of the shame. Chazal say in the name of both Aba Kohen Bardala and Rav Shimon ben Alazar, "Oy lanu miyom hatochacha, Oy lanu miyom hadin" Woe is to us when we will have to face Hashem after one hundred and twenty years. Yosef was the second to youngest of the shvatim and when he rebuked them they were left speechless, how much more so when Hashem rebukes each and every person.
Reb Chaim Shmulevitz ztl asks, where is the rebuke in Yosef's words? All he said was "I am Yosef is my father still alive" and immediately after it says the brothers were unable to respond.
Reb Chaim explains that from here we see what the "mahus" of tochacha is, its not showering the recipient with fiery words and giving it to them, as many think. Rather it is pointing out the persons mistake, and as soon as they recognize and accept that they made a mistake that is kabala of the tochacha. When Yosef said to his brothers "I am Yosef" what that meant to them was " I'm that little brother that you shipped down to Mitzrayim, I'm the Viceroy of Egypt. You sold me as a slave to distance me from those foolish dreams of mine but in truth you set the stage for me. See and understand that my words were not foolishness but rather Nevua." The brothers heard this and were unable to respond because of the shame. From here Rav Shimon ben Elazar (He's the one Reb Chaim brings down) says "Oy lanu miyom hadin Oy lanu miyom hatochacha" If the young brother of the shvatim caused them such
shame by opening their eyes, al achas kama v'kama when Hashem opens our eyes.
Although this is a frightening thought it is something that should sometimes be pulled out of the drawer to remind us that one day we will have to give a din v"cheshban, and hopefully it'll give us chizuk to come closer to Hashem. Good Shabbos
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