Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem, Zev Yehuda ben R' Shmuel Mordechai, R' Baruch Moshe Aryeh ben R' Zev Yehuda, Avraham ben R' Yitzchok Zev, R' Dovid Meir ben Harav Shmuel
In perek mem beis posuk chaf dalid the posuk says, "Vayosov mei'aleihem vayeivch, vayashav aleihem vayidaber aleihem, vayikach mei'itam es Shimon vaye'esar oso l'eineihem." "He (Yosef) turned away from them and wept,he returned to them and spoke to them; he took Shimon from them and imprisoned him before their eyes." The Medrash Tanchuma gives two pirushim why Yosef imprisoned Shimon. The first Pirush is because he was the one that pushed Yosef into the pit. Another pshat is because he didnt wan't him to advise his brothers to kill him. The Medrash continues that as soon as Yosef took Shimon to imprison him, Shimon said to his brothers, "This is what you did to Yosef and now you're trying to do it to me too!" To which the brothers responded, "What do you want us to do? If we don't follow his orders our entire families will perish in this famine." Shimon believed that just as the brothers wanted to kill Yosef, they wanted to get rid of him. Even though he knew that Yosef was the one calling the shots, and they had no choice but to listen, he believed that somewhere in the hearts of his brothers they were happy to be rid of him. The brothers response to him is to remind him of the seemingly obvious and already known fact that they have no control over the situation, and that if they don't listen their families will perish. The Rosh Yeshiva ztl asks, how did the brothers response to Shimon remove his suspicions? He knew that the brothers had no control and still had his suspisions so what changed?
The Rosh Yeshiva explains, that when the brothers responded to Shimon, true it was something he already knew, but they said it whole heartedly, and truly meant it. Shimon was able to sense that and realized that they weren't looking to get rid of him. "Dvarim hayotzim min haleiv nichnasim el haleiv." "Words that come from the heart, enter into the heart." Shimon knew from the way their response struck him that they must have been telling the truth.
This is an important thing for everyone to remember, Parents, Rabbeim and even friends, "Words from the heart reach the heart", and the recipient always knows where the words are truly coming from.. Good Shabbos and Afreillechin Chanuka!!
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