Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem, Z'keini Moiri R' Boruch Moshe Aryeh ben Harav Zev Yehuda, my cousin Zev Yehuda ben R' Shmuel Mordechai, Avraham ben R' Yitzchok Zev, R' Dovid Meir ben R' Shmuel.
In perek tes zayin at the end of posuk lamud dalid the posuk says "Vayaas ca'asher tziva Hashem es Moshe" "and(Ahron) did as Hashem commanded Moshe".
Rashi explains that when Yom Kippur came Ahron performed the service according to this order. The Torah mentions this to praise Ahron that he did not wear the garments for his own greatness, but rather because he was fulfilling the command of the King, Hakadosh Baruch Hu.
The Rosh Yeshiva ztl explains that we are talking about Ahron Hakohen, the Ahron who was a tremendous anav, the Ahron who was "ruacha v'samach b'libo" when Moshe came and took over as leader. What day was this? Yom Kippur, the one day where he is standing in the Kodesh Kadashim, with the understanding that the level of kapara that Klal Yisroel will receive is totally based on the service he is performing. Yet had the Torah not told us that Ahron wore the b'gadim completely L'sheim shomayim, we would have thought that even Ahron Hakohen when he wore the b'gadim had some kavana that it was because ofhis greatness, because it is extremely difficult to do something one hundred percent l'sheim shomayim. Therefore the Torah comes and tells us that Ahron did was so pure and was on such a teremendous madreiga, that his kavan was totally l'sheim shomayim and nothing else....
Good Shabbos
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