Aryeh ben Harav Zev Yehuda, Zev Yehuda ben R' Shmuel Mordechai,
Avraham ben R' Yitzchok Zev, R' Dovid Meer ben Harav Shmuel.....
In perek yud gimmel posuk beis the posuk says " Adam ki yihye v'or
b'saro s'eis o sapachas o baheres v'haya v'or b'saro l'nega tzaraas
v'huva el Ahron Hakohein o el achad mibanav hakohanim." "If a person
will have on the skin of his flesh a s'eis or a sapachas, or a
baheres, and it will become a tzaraas affliction on his skin, he shall
be brought to Ahron Hhakohein or one of his sons the kohanim."
The Medrash Tanchuma brings down a story that occured with a kohen who
used to check people's afflictions for tzaraas. Money was tight for
this kohen and he decided he needed to go to Chutz La'aretz to try to
make a living. However he felt that he could not just go and leave all
the people that would come to him with afflictions in the dark. He
decided with his wife that he would teach her the laws and she would
check the people for tzaaras. He began "If you see a hair on the
person and its pore has dried up you will know that he has tzaraas,
because every single hair has its own root, its own pore, it's own
source of nutrients to provide it with all it needs. If that pore is
dried up then the hair is dried up." His wife responded "If every
single hair was created by Hashem with its own source of nutrients,
you a person who has such achrayus to support your family, isn't it
pashut that
Hashem will take care of you and give you a parnassa?" Therefore she
did not allow to him to go to Eretz Yisroel.
The Rosh Yeshiva ztl asks, what did the halachos of tzaraas do to open
this woman's eyes? Both the man and his wife knew that Hashem is the
sole benefactor of everybody "hanosein lechem l'chal basar" after all
this is one of the yesodos that everyone knows. They knew that fact
when he was making the decision to leave Eretz Yisroel as well.
The Rosh Yeshiva explains that although they both knew the fact that
Hashem provides for all, it did not change their feelings of needing
to go to chutz la'aretz. However, once she heard about these halachos,
it reinforced a fact that she already knew, and she began to realize
that they were making a mistake and her husband did not need to leave.
There are many things that we "know" ,but the question is do we really
know them and feel them? Do we give the correct answers to all the
questions because we were taught them in kindergarten or are we
constantly working on making these pieces of information a part of us?
Being aware of things around us that can remind us of what we "know"
can help us attain that level of not just knowing, but feeling that
Hashem is taking care of us and is our sole supporter.
Good Shabbos
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