Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem.......In perek lamud beis posuk dalid Moshe says "Hatzur Tamim pa'alo ki chol dirachav mishpat Kel emunah v'ain avel tzaddik v'yashar hu" "The rock, perfect in his work,for all his ways are justice,a G-d faithful,without iniquity." Rav Yaakov Aryeh Neiman ztl in the Darchei Mussar writes, In parshas Bereishis and Yisro that we are supposed to believe that Hakadosh Baruch Hu created the world.However this level that Moshe is speaking about here is a greater level of emunah.At times when things are k'neged our sechel,when they are difficult for us to understand the way of Hashem and it just seems that everything is all wrong,that is when we need to remember "kel emunah v'ain avel"Even though to our eyes things may make no sense we must remember that "kal mah d'avid rachmana l'tav avid".He brings down that he heard from the Chazon Ish
ztl that if a regular person walked by a tailor and saw him ripping up a beautiful suit,the mans initial reaction would be "He's destroying something so beautiful!",but that thought will be pushed aside by the obvious that if the tailor,the expert, is ripping it up it is to use it to make something more beautiful.Realizing that Hkbh is in the process of making a "beautiful beged" and in the process may be "cutting" beautiful "begadim" is extremely difficult.It was Avraham's greatest of his ten nisyonos,to go against sechel and shecht Yitzchak, especially when Hashem told him that Yitzchak would be the origin of the nation that will come from Avraham.It is extremely difficult but we must work on understanding that no matter what it seems Hashem is a "Kel emunah v'ain avel",Vkal d'avid Rachman L'tav avid.. Good Shabbos
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Rosh Hashana
Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem...........Reb Chaim Shmulevitz ztl brings an eitzah on something to work on approaching Yom Hadin.The gemorah in shabbos brings down the posuk in Re'eh that says "V'nasan Licha Rachamim V'rachamecha" "And he will give you mercy and be merciful to you",and says on that,anyone who has rachamim for the bri'os will have rachamim from shomayim,and anyone who does not have rachamim will not have rachamim from shomayim.The Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh says on the posuk,that as long as someone has the teva achzari (genetic makeup of being cruel),Hashem will mirror that teva towards him,because Hashem is only merachem a rachman.As we know the yesod of all our tefillos is the bakasha of rachamim from HKBH as we say "Rachmeinu k'rachem av al banim" Even Moshe Rabeinu only davened blashon tachanunim as oppose to the other nine lashonos of tefilla, so kal
v'chomer that's all we can bring to the table.If that is what we need to beseech Hashem then we must make sure that we are not lacking when we approach him to beg for his rachamim,we have to make sure to be mirachem on our chaveirim.We have to work on ourselves to act in the proper way towards people and to all the bri'os,and to find in our hearts the rachamim to be mochel everyone for what they may have done wrong to us,and only then will Hashem be mirachem on us like the father we know he is.Rachameinu Krachem Av Al Banim!!!!!! Ksiva V'chasima Tova,a Gut G'benched Yur.I hope everyone is mochel me for anything I may have said or done to them.Good Shabbos.
v'chomer that's all we can bring to the table.If that is what we need to beseech Hashem then we must make sure that we are not lacking when we approach him to beg for his rachamim,we have to make sure to be mirachem on our chaveirim.We have to work on ourselves to act in the proper way towards people and to all the bri'os,and to find in our hearts the rachamim to be mochel everyone for what they may have done wrong to us,and only then will Hashem be mirachem on us like the father we know he is.Rachameinu Krachem Av Al Banim!!!!!! Ksiva V'chasima Tova,a Gut G'benched Yur.I hope everyone is mochel me for anything I may have said or done to them.Good Shabbos.
Friday, September 11, 2009
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Date: Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 1:09 PM
Subject: Nitzavim-Vayeilech
Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem......In perek lamud posuk beis it says "V'shavta ad Hashem Elokecha v'shamata b'kolo kichol asher anochi mitzavcha hayom,atah ivincha b'chol l'vavacha u'vchol nafshecha" The Ramban explains that the way this teshuvah works is that you have to do teshuvah for yourself and to be mekabel on yourself and on your children that you will do all that Hashem commanded.The Rosh Yeshivah ztl explains that the Ramban is saying that you need more than just what we generally assume is necessary for teshuvah.Its not enough to have charata for what you did,decide you will never do it again,and do viduy.Its not enough to be mikabel the mitzvos on yourself!You must be mikabel it for your children and grandchildren for all the generations to come.If you are just mikabel it for yourself,then it shows that you don't recognize the severity of aveiros and
the chashivus of mitzvos.True its impossible to to make sure that ever dor down the line stays true to yidishkeit,but you must do everything in your power to make sure that they do.If you do not accept this upon yourself,then your teshuvah Is not complete and your aveiros are not fully michaper.We see how important it is to realize the chashivus of the Torah and how important it is to do everything in our power to make sure that our families follow in the ways of Hakadosh Baruch Hu..... Good Shabbos
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From: <>
Date: Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 1:09 PM
Subject: Nitzavim-Vayeilech
Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem......In perek lamud posuk beis it says "V'shavta ad Hashem Elokecha v'shamata b'kolo kichol asher anochi mitzavcha hayom,atah ivincha b'chol l'vavacha u'vchol nafshecha" The Ramban explains that the way this teshuvah works is that you have to do teshuvah for yourself and to be mekabel on yourself and on your children that you will do all that Hashem commanded.The Rosh Yeshivah ztl explains that the Ramban is saying that you need more than just what we generally assume is necessary for teshuvah.Its not enough to have charata for what you did,decide you will never do it again,and do viduy.Its not enough to be mikabel the mitzvos on yourself!You must be mikabel it for your children and grandchildren for all the generations to come.If you are just mikabel it for yourself,then it shows that you don't recognize the severity of aveiros and
the chashivus of mitzvos.True its impossible to to make sure that ever dor down the line stays true to yidishkeit,but you must do everything in your power to make sure that they do.If you do not accept this upon yourself,then your teshuvah Is not complete and your aveiros are not fully michaper.We see how important it is to realize the chashivus of the Torah and how important it is to do everything in our power to make sure that our families follow in the ways of Hakadosh Baruch Hu..... Good Shabbos
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Friday, September 4, 2009
Parshas Ki Savo
Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem.......In perek Chaf vav pasuk beis it speaks about the bikurim and it says "vlakachta mei'reishis kal pri ha'adama asher tavi meiartzicha asher Hashem Elokecha nosein lach v'samta batne....."In mesechtas bava kama daf tazdik beis amud aluf the gemorah shows that poverty follows after the poor by bringing down what happens by bikurim.The rich people would bring their vast amounts of fruits in gold and silver baskets,and the kohen would take out the fruits and give the baskets back to the owner.However,the poor people would bring a small amount of not as nice fruit in wicker baskets and the kohen would not give them back their baskets.Rav Ahron Bakst Ztl says that the reason why the kohen did not return the basket to the aniim is because we are being careful with his kavod.The rich people have lots of beautiful fruits and therefore when
the kohen takes them out it doest bother them.The poor person has very little and not nice fruits,if the kohen would take out the fruits in front of the ani and give them back the basket,the ani would be embarassed by his bikurim. Rav Yaakov Aryeh Neiman Ztl author of the Darchei Mussar,suggests a different answer.The reason why the kohen gives the rich guy back his basket is because when he comes with his fruits in this gold basket,he's misgaeh and feels like he is so great.Therefore we are saying to him "keep your gaivah,we don't need your money.Hashem despises gaivah. However the ani,when he comes with his wicker basket,he comes with anavah without any feelings of haughtiness,and therefore Hashem takes the basket too because the basket is also chaviv to Hashem and part of the ani's gift to HKBH.This is the main inyun to being mikabel oil malchus shamayim during elul,for Rosh
Hashana.We need to come to Hashem "b'shafal ruach"and be mikabel oil malchus shamayim fully.With gaivah in our hearts it is impossible to fully be mikabel,as we see from the Ramban.May we all be zoiche to have all of our tefillos accepted by HKBH just like the ani and his wicker basket... Good Shabbos
the kohen takes them out it doest bother them.The poor person has very little and not nice fruits,if the kohen would take out the fruits in front of the ani and give them back the basket,the ani would be embarassed by his bikurim. Rav Yaakov Aryeh Neiman Ztl author of the Darchei Mussar,suggests a different answer.The reason why the kohen gives the rich guy back his basket is because when he comes with his fruits in this gold basket,he's misgaeh and feels like he is so great.Therefore we are saying to him "keep your gaivah,we don't need your money.Hashem despises gaivah. However the ani,when he comes with his wicker basket,he comes with anavah without any feelings of haughtiness,and therefore Hashem takes the basket too because the basket is also chaviv to Hashem and part of the ani's gift to HKBH.This is the main inyun to being mikabel oil malchus shamayim during elul,for Rosh
Hashana.We need to come to Hashem "b'shafal ruach"and be mikabel oil malchus shamayim fully.With gaivah in our hearts it is impossible to fully be mikabel,as we see from the Ramban.May we all be zoiche to have all of our tefillos accepted by HKBH just like the ani and his wicker basket... Good Shabbos
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