Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem...........Reb Chaim Shmulevitz ztl brings an eitzah on something to work on approaching Yom Hadin.The gemorah in shabbos brings down the posuk in Re'eh that says "V'nasan Licha Rachamim V'rachamecha" "And he will give you mercy and be merciful to you",and says on that,anyone who has rachamim for the bri'os will have rachamim from shomayim,and anyone who does not have rachamim will not have rachamim from shomayim.The Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh says on the posuk,that as long as someone has the teva achzari (genetic makeup of being cruel),Hashem will mirror that teva towards him,because Hashem is only merachem a rachman.As we know the yesod of all our tefillos is the bakasha of rachamim from HKBH as we say "Rachmeinu k'rachem av al banim" Even Moshe Rabeinu only davened blashon tachanunim as oppose to the other nine lashonos of tefilla, so kal
v'chomer that's all we can bring to the table.If that is what we need to beseech Hashem then we must make sure that we are not lacking when we approach him to beg for his rachamim,we have to make sure to be mirachem on our chaveirim.We have to work on ourselves to act in the proper way towards people and to all the bri'os,and to find in our hearts the rachamim to be mochel everyone for what they may have done wrong to us,and only then will Hashem be mirachem on us like the father we know he is.Rachameinu Krachem Av Al Banim!!!!!! Ksiva V'chasima Tova,a Gut G'benched Yur.I hope everyone is mochel me for anything I may have said or done to them.Good Shabbos.
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