Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem.......In perek lamud beis posuk dalid Moshe says "Hatzur Tamim pa'alo ki chol dirachav mishpat Kel emunah v'ain avel tzaddik v'yashar hu" "The rock, perfect in his work,for all his ways are justice,a G-d faithful,without iniquity." Rav Yaakov Aryeh Neiman ztl in the Darchei Mussar writes, In parshas Bereishis and Yisro that we are supposed to believe that Hakadosh Baruch Hu created the world.However this level that Moshe is speaking about here is a greater level of emunah.At times when things are k'neged our sechel,when they are difficult for us to understand the way of Hashem and it just seems that everything is all wrong,that is when we need to remember "kel emunah v'ain avel"Even though to our eyes things may make no sense we must remember that "kal mah d'avid rachmana l'tav avid".He brings down that he heard from the Chazon Ish
ztl that if a regular person walked by a tailor and saw him ripping up a beautiful suit,the mans initial reaction would be "He's destroying something so beautiful!",but that thought will be pushed aside by the obvious that if the tailor,the expert, is ripping it up it is to use it to make something more beautiful.Realizing that Hkbh is in the process of making a "beautiful beged" and in the process may be "cutting" beautiful "begadim" is extremely difficult.It was Avraham's greatest of his ten nisyonos,to go against sechel and shecht Yitzchak, especially when Hashem told him that Yitzchak would be the origin of the nation that will come from Avraham.It is extremely difficult but we must work on understanding that no matter what it seems Hashem is a "Kel emunah v'ain avel",Vkal d'avid Rachman L'tav avid.. Good Shabbos
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