Friday, April 24, 2009

d'var torah

Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem...
In Tazria's Haftorah it says ''Vayomer chay Hashem asher amadity lifanav I'm ekach ,vaiftzar bo lakachas vayimaein'' After Naaman (the general of Aram) was cured of his tzaraas by listening to the instructions that Elisha gave him (bathing in the yardein seven times) he wanted to pay back Elisha and he refused. The Ralbag says that this teaches us that a navi can not take payment for any moifsim that he does because it will cause the recipient to believe that the moifes came from the navi and not from HKBH. We see from the Ralbag that Naaman realized that there is not other gd besides HKBH once he saw that Elisha refused the payment.However it is pashut that the ikur reason for Naaman recognizing Hashem is because he saw that he was cured from his tzaraas and he knew Elisha didn't use kishuf. If that's the case,what's the Ralbag's
pshat that only after Elisha refused payment did Naaman fully recognize that it was Hashem who healed him? The Rosh Yeshivah Ztl explains that the derech of the world is to pay someone who helped them and therefore if Naaman would have paid Elisha,it would seem as if Elisha himself was really the one who cured Naaman,and Naaman himself would feel as if Elisha was his healer. Even though Naaman knew bsichloi that Elisha himself was not capable of healin him and Elisha did not ask to be paid,still had Elisha accepted the matanah, Naaman would've felt that Elisha was taking it as payment. The reason for this would be because he would see himself paying Elisha and Elisha accepting it and it would have an affect on him even though in his mind he knew that Elisha didn't cure him. From this we can see the strength of Maraas Ayin and how important it is to make sure that we don't do things
that may look wrong,even if in truth they are not and if someone would stop and think about it may even realize that it was not wrong still what people see makes a difference..
Good Shabbos

Friday, April 17, 2009


The blog has now 15 authors.
If you know someone who isn't on the blog yet, please contact me so I can send him an invitation.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009, is hereby designated "Avrohom Vegh Appreciation Day." We will express our appreciation for his continuing efforts on behalf of the tzibur in the form of pats on the back and verbal thanks. Your participation is appreciated in advance.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Dvar Torah Parshas Tzav

Liyluy Nishmas Elchono Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem and my cousin Zev Yehuda ben Reb Shmuel Mordechai(Yahrtzeit today).... In perek vav pasuk beis it says "Tzav es Aharon V'es banav leimor,zos Toras Ha'olah" Rashi says that the lashon of Tzav means to be mezareiz and also to make sure that it is continued throughout the generations.Chazal ask why davka by the olah does the Torah use a lashon of "Tzav" as oppose to "Daber" or "Omar" like all the other karbanos? Reb Shimon explains that the lashon of tzav is used in a case where there is a monetary loss that will occur by fulfilling the mitzvah.(What that loss is varies according to the Gur Aryeh,Ramban Ohr Hachaim,and others)The Rosh Yeshivah Ztl explains, that from here we can see the power money has on a person and how much people are machshiv it.Aharon Hakohen the Kohen Gadol of Klal Yisrael,a leader of the generation,the man who had chalishas hadaas at the chanukas Hamishkan because he and his sheivet didnt bring a karbon,could have caused Aharon to be a a tiny bit lazy when it came to bringing the karbon olah. Aharon with all his greatness could have on the smallest level lost love for a mitzvah because of a taayvah for money.We have to work on ourselves to make sure that we can control ourselves and not let money hold us back from doing the right thing and chas v'shalom bring us to do the wrong thing.Good Shabbos   

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Pesach

Please Note: Feeding your gorilla matzah could be extremily dangerous (even if it's shmurah), please check with your vetranarian before using.