Friday, June 26, 2009

Mazal Tov R' Muskat !!

Mazal tov to R' Muskat on the wedding of his daughther

Interview w/ R' Mordechai Cohen (talmid of R' Dopvid Leibowitz Zt"l

Dvar Torah Parshas Korach

 Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem......
In perek tes zayin posuk yud zayin Moshe tells Korach and his followers ''Utnu bahain aish vsimu aleihen ketores lifnai Hashem machar v'hayah ha'ish asher yivchar Hashem huh hakadosh" Rashi says that Moshe was telling them that in the non jewish world there are many  religious observances and many priests that all join together in one temple, but we klal yisroel have only one G-d, one ark,one Torah,one altar and one kohein gadol, and all you two dundred and fifty men want to be the kohen gadol. The Rosh Yeshivah ztl asks, why did Moshe tell them ''We have only one G-d,one ark,and one torah, they were only arguing with Moshe regarding the kehuna gedola, however they too agreed that there is only one Hashem and one Torah? He answers that if these two hundred and fifty people truly believed one hundred percent,Hashem echod vetoroso
 achas,they would have pushed aside their desires and daas and would have been mekabel Aharon as the kohen gadol,because it was the will of Hashem.Their main aveira was their lack of emunah in Hashem and his Torah. Even though they were there by Har Sinai and heard "Anochi Hashem Elokecha'' and ''Lo Yehiyeh l'cha" mamash from HKBH's mouth,still they weren't margish one hundred percent b'emunah shleima Hashem echod v'toraso achas.Although they heard Hashem and knew that he was one,still they didn't believe a hundred percent,because  the heart and mind are two very different things. You can know something but still in the depths of your heart,not fully believe it.. We see how important it is to strengthen our emunah in HKBH so that we believe in both our heads and hearts that Hashem is the one and his Torah is one...
Good Shabbos

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Seniors '09

Congratulations to the seniors on their gradulation, and wish them lots of hatzlacha in the future wherever they might be!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Dvar Torah Parshas Shlach

Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem......
.In perek yud gimmel posuk gimmel it says ''Vayishlach osam Moshe mimidbar pa'aran al pi Hashem kulam anashim rashei bnei yisroel heima'' rashi says that any time the torah uses the word ''anashim'' it's a loshan of chashivus, and at this time they were all kasher. Furthermore the Ramban says that the order of the meraglim was based on their greatness and Kaleiv was third and Yehoshua was fifth. We are dealing with tremendous gedolim,the greatest people in the greatest dor, the dor dai'ah, the dor that was mekabel the Torah. Yet in so short a time they stooped down to such a low level to be koifer b'ikur. As it says in posuk lamed alef ''lo nuchal la'alos el ha'am  ki chuzuk hu mimenu'' and Rashi in Sota says that they were sayin ''chuzuk hu mimenu'' klapei (against) HKBH. That Hkbh wud not be able to defeat them. Reb Chaim
 Shmulevitz ztl asks, In just forty days these great people stooped down to such a low level,how was it possible for them to fall so far so fast? He explains, that the mesilos yesharim when discussing kavod explains how many great people are lost from the world because of kavod. And he says that is the kavod that the chazal talk about that caused the meraglim to give the negative report they did. They were afraid that once they entered eretz yisroel,their high status in klal yisroel would be removed because the need for nesiim would be terminated,and other people would take their place. We see from chazal that that the ikar reason for the miraglim doing wat they did was because of ridifas hakavod. Although they were tremendous gedolim,kavod is a sam hamaves,a poison, and anyone who chases it no matter how great,can be destroyed by it. We see the negaitve affect of chasing after kavod,
 if it was able to affect such great people, kal vachomer how much more so we can be affected if we don't work on ourselves to run from kavod instead of running towards it.
Good Shabbos

Thursday, June 18, 2009

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Mazal tov Ari Elbogen!!

Mazal tov to Ari Elbogen on his engagement (and vort)!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

D'var Torah- Parshas Behalocha to me 
Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem.....

The first Rashi in this weeks Parsha asks why the parsha of lighting the menorah is put right after the parsha of the contribution of the nesiim at the inauguration of the mishkan. He answers that when Aharon saw the other nesiim giving their contributions and he and his shevet were not asked to contribute,he felt badly about it,and therefore HKBH told him that his role is greater than theirs because he gets to light the menorah. The Ramban asks,why would the job of lighting the menorah comfort Aharon more than all the other jobs that he had acquired as the kohen? It must be that there is something extra in lighting the menorah that is not in all the other things,but what is it? Reb Chaim Shmulevitz Ztl explains the difference as follows. The Medrash Rabah gives a mashal to explain what the goal of lighting a menorah for Hkbh is,
 when he is the light of the whole world. A pikaiach (person who can see) and a suma  (blind person) are walking together, as they approach a house the pikaiach said to the suma "when we get inside light me a candle so I could see'' he answers back ''Up until now I was completely relying on you and you were helping me ,and now in the house you need my help to help you see? What do you need me for?'' The pikaiach responds ''I didn't want you to feel so overly indebted to me for all that I did for you and therefore I wanted you to feel like I needed you to help me too!'' Hkbh is the pikaiach and we are the sumah,by lighting the menorah we are paying HKBH back ,(at least a little bit in our minds),for being mai'ir the world.That is the gadlus of lighting the menorah it is a way to express our hakaras hatov that we owe Hashem for lighting up the entire world for us. That is why it was the
 greatest comfort to Aharon Hakohen.. We see how important it is to be makir tov,to people when they do things for us. Of course it makes them feel good, but it has a tremendous affect on us also,so much so that Aharon only by doing a maaseh that showed his hakaras hatov was  able to be comforted for not bringing a contribution by the chanukas hamishkan...
Good Shabbos

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dvar Torah Parshas Nasso

 Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi Ben R'Yisroel Menachem........

In perek heh posuk tes vav the posuk speaks about the karbon that a sotah brings and it says ''vlo yitein alav lvona'' and he(her husband who brings the karbon for her) shall not put frankincense upon it. Rashi says the reason for not putting frankincense on the karbon is because the imahos are called ''frankincense'' and she was poiresh from their ways. Its mashma from Rashi that the tvia on the sotah was that she was poiresh from the derech of the imahos and did not act in their ways. The Rosh Yeshiva ztl asks even tremendous women who were extremely great didn't reach the level of the imahos so what type of tvia is that on the sotah? If anything the tvia should be,that she very possibly didn't one of the three aveiros that are ye'harag val ya'avor? He answers that the tvia on the sotah is not that she did not reach the level of the imahos rather the taayna on her is that she did not
 aspire to be like them. As we see from the lashon of Rashi ''V'hi Pirsha Midarcheihen" that she separated from their ways and did not aspire to be like them,and the Torah had a taayna on her for that because that was the beginning of the chet. Had she aspired and pushed herself to be like the imahos,granted she would not have become as great,but she cause herself to be on a high enough level to stay away from falling into such an aveira. This is a tremendous lesson for us. We have to always aspire to be like our forefathers "masai yegiyoi maaisei lmaaisei avosi'' Although we can not reach their level it will cause us to grow in the way that we can and keep us away from doing things beneath us. Reach for the stars, you WILL get rim!!!!!! Good Shabbos

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mazal Tov R' Turk

on the bar mitzvah of Moshe Turk!!