Friday, September 3, 2010

Parshas Nitzavim

Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem...... In perek lamud posuk vav it says "U'mal Hashem Elokecha es livavcha v'es livav zarecha l'ahava es Hashem Elokecha bichal livavcha u'vichol nafshicha l'maan chayecha"  "Hashem your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring to love Hashem with all your heart and all your soul that you may live." The Ramban explains, " U'mal Hashem Elokecha es livavcha " means what the Gemorah says in Shabbos. "Habah litaher misayin oso"  If someone comes to make himself tahar Hashem will help him. The Gemorah continues that Hashem guarantees that if someone will try to do teshuvah with all their heart and soul, Hashem will help them. The Ramban is mashma that without Hashem's help a person would not be able to do teshuva with all their heart. The Rosh Yeshiva asks, the Ramban says that Hashem helps the people who are trying to
 do teshuvah with all their hearts and souls. If these people are returning with all their heart, why are they the ones who need Hashem's help? They are returning whole heartedly even without his help. The Rosh Yeshiva explains that  we see from here that even a person who wants to do a full teshuvah is not able to without the help of Hashem. The Yetzer Hara is just too strong to be misgaber over without the help of Hashem. There are many people who want to do teshuvah on different things, the only issue is they don't think they have what it takes. What they don't realize is that nobody has what it takes but that's the beauty of it. When we take the steps to do teshuvah and get close to Hashem, he lifts us up way past our true kochos. He takes us by the hand, kaf al kaf, and allows us to reach tremendous levels that were nowhere near our grasp. If we keep this idea in our minds and
 hearts as we approach Rosh Hashana we can hopefully use it to give us the spark we need to do the best Teshuvah we possibly can and be nichtav lishana tova u'misuka. Good Shabbos