Friday, June 12, 2009

D'var Torah- Parshas Behalocha to me 
Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem.....

The first Rashi in this weeks Parsha asks why the parsha of lighting the menorah is put right after the parsha of the contribution of the nesiim at the inauguration of the mishkan. He answers that when Aharon saw the other nesiim giving their contributions and he and his shevet were not asked to contribute,he felt badly about it,and therefore HKBH told him that his role is greater than theirs because he gets to light the menorah. The Ramban asks,why would the job of lighting the menorah comfort Aharon more than all the other jobs that he had acquired as the kohen? It must be that there is something extra in lighting the menorah that is not in all the other things,but what is it? Reb Chaim Shmulevitz Ztl explains the difference as follows. The Medrash Rabah gives a mashal to explain what the goal of lighting a menorah for Hkbh is,
 when he is the light of the whole world. A pikaiach (person who can see) and a suma  (blind person) are walking together, as they approach a house the pikaiach said to the suma "when we get inside light me a candle so I could see'' he answers back ''Up until now I was completely relying on you and you were helping me ,and now in the house you need my help to help you see? What do you need me for?'' The pikaiach responds ''I didn't want you to feel so overly indebted to me for all that I did for you and therefore I wanted you to feel like I needed you to help me too!'' Hkbh is the pikaiach and we are the sumah,by lighting the menorah we are paying HKBH back ,(at least a little bit in our minds),for being mai'ir the world.That is the gadlus of lighting the menorah it is a way to express our hakaras hatov that we owe Hashem for lighting up the entire world for us. That is why it was the
 greatest comfort to Aharon Hakohen.. We see how important it is to be makir tov,to people when they do things for us. Of course it makes them feel good, but it has a tremendous affect on us also,so much so that Aharon only by doing a maaseh that showed his hakaras hatov was  able to be comforted for not bringing a contribution by the chanukas hamishkan...
Good Shabbos

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