Friday, July 3, 2009

dvar torah parshas chukas-balak

Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R'Yisroel Menachem........In mishlei perek chaf gimmel posuk yud tes it says "mochiach adam acharoy chein yimtzah mimachalik lashon" if you give someone tochacha he will like you more than someone who butters him up and talks smoothly and gives him compliments.The medrash rabah says that the example of a machlik lashon is bilaam.He spoke about how great klal yisroel was and it got to their head and therefore they were nichshal in shitim.Chazal say that Bilaam's shvachos brought klal yisroel to gaivah and because of the gaivah they were nichshal in terrible avairos including arayos. The Rosh Yeshivah ztl asks,how did the shvachos of Bilaam cause klal yisroel to be nichshal?He praised their madreiga in ruchniyus, tznius and kedusha,shouldn't that have been michazek them in their kedusha,or at least not cause them to be nichshal! He answers that because his praise lead to gaivah it didn't matter that he was talking about kedusha, l'maaseh it causes gaivah and gaivah leads to taivah,because a baal gaivah thinks that everything in the world should belong to him.Therefore even though Bilaam praised them in ruchniyus,the gaivah caused them to have a drastic downfall.We see how powerful and destructive gaivah is,we must work on ourselves to not be misgaeh so that we can be in control of ourselves... Good Shabbos            

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