Friday, June 10, 2011

Fwd: Parshas Beha'aloscha

Liyluy Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi ben R' Yisroel Menachem, Zekeini Moiri R' Baruch Mishe Aryeh ben Harav Zev Yehuda, My cousin Zev Yehuda ben Rav Shmuel Mordechai, Avraham ben R' Yitzchok Zev, R' Dovid Meir ben R' Shmuel.

In middle of this weeks Parsha Klal Yisroel begins complaining about life in the midbar. They uttered the famous words complaining about the mann "mi yachileinu basar" "who will feed us meat". They continue complaining by reminiscing over the food that they had in Mitzrayim. As it says in perek yud alef posuk heh "Zacharnu es hadaga asher nochal b'Mitzrayim chinam, eis hakishuim, v'eis ha'avatichim, v'es hechatzir, v'es habitzalim, v'es hashumim." We remember the fish that we would eat in Mitzrayim for free, the cucumbers and the melons, the leeks the onions and the garlic (but now we have nothing but mann).

How do we begin to understand the Dor Hamidbar asks Rav Yaakov Aryeh Neiman ztl. Chazal call them the "Dor Deah" "Ra'asa shifcha al hayam ma shelo ra'ah Yechaskel Ben Buzi", each and every person received nevuah, and just like that they begin to cry over a lack of onions, watermelons, and garlics? If this is so says Rav Neiman, we can learn a tremendous lesson, it is possible for a person to be on a tremendous level and forget everything and give it all for the desire of even something as small as a piece of onion. " Ki Ashrei adam mifacheid tamid" "Praised is man who is always fearful" Even when one reaches tremendous levels, they must be fearful and aware of falling to lower madreigos.

 Chazal in last weeks parsha say "kal haroeh sotah b'kilkulo yazir atzmo min hayayin". " Anyone who saw a sota should distance themselves from wine". The Alter mi'Kelm reminds us that Chazal said this even for themselves. It doesn't say "if u can't see yourself doing anything like the sotah did in a million years, then you don't need to distance from wine, but everyone else should. It says everybody, even the tzadikim should make gadarim when they see such a thing. The Tzadikim should realize that even the people that committed the aveira did not just get to that point in their life overnight. Like everything it was a process. Its even possible that at one point they would have considered themselves to be great as well, and never saw the slow change that was occurring within them until they were "miles" away from where they once were. Therefore even the tzadikim must guard themselves
 "Ashrei adam mifacheid tamid"

Nobody is ever too great to fall, and nobody is ever to great to keep growing. We shoud always be working on ourselves and looking into ourselves to understand where we are holding in life. Its not enough that we put in the effort a while ago and therefore believe we are tazadikim who are safe from sin. If the dor deah could slip for an onion, how much easier is it for us? If we keep this in mind and are truly "mifacheid tamid" then we will iyh continue to grow and become closer to Hashem.
 Good Shabbos

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